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Czaika M, Bohnet H, Zardo F and Bijak J (2024) European Migration Governance in the Context of Uncertainty. International Migration, early view.

Soto Nishimura A and Czaika M (2024) Exploring Migration Determinants: A Meta-Analysis of Migration Drivers and Estimates. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 25(2): 621–643.

Di Iasio V and Wahba J (2024) The Determinants of Refugees’ Destinations: Where do refugees locate within the EU? World Development, 177: 106533.

Marois G, Potančoková M and González-Leonardo M (2023) Demographic and labor force impacts of future immigration flows into Europe: Does an immigrant’s region of origin matter? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10, 957.

Czaika M, Bohnet H and Zardo F (2023) Categorical and spatial interlinkages within the European migration policy mix. European Union Politics, 25: Online First.

Mjelva MB and Carling J (2023) Surveys on migration aspirations, plans and intentions: a comprehensive overview [Version 1: approved]. Open Research Europe, 3: 145.

Boissonneault M and Costa R (2023) Experts’ assessments of migration scenarios between the Middle East & North Africa and Europe. Scientific Data, 10(1), 640.

Di Iasio V and Wahba J (2023) Expecting Brexit and UK migration: Should I go? European Economic Review, 157: 104484. 

Czaika M, Erdal MB and Talleraas C (2023) Exploring Europe’s external migration policy mix: On the interactions of visa, readmission, and resettlement policies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(12), 3140–3161.

González-Leonardo M, Potančoková M, Yildiz D and Rowe F (2023) Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on immigration in receiving high-income countries. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0280324.

Barker E (2022) A timeline of freedom of movement in the European Economic Area [Version 3: approved]. Open Research Europe, 2: 133.

Czaika M, Bijak J and Prike T (2022) Migration Decision-Making and Its Key Dimensions. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 697(1), 15–31.

Petropoulos F, Apiletti A, Assimakopoulos V, Babai MZ, Barrow DK, Ben Taieb S, Bergmeir Ch, Bessa RJ, Bijak J, et al. (2022) Forecasting: Theory and Practice. [Contributed sections on population and migration forecasting]. International Journal of Forecasting, 38(3), 705–871.

Napierała J, Hilton J, Forster JJ, Carammia M and Bijak J (2022) Toward an Early Warning System for Monitoring Asylum-Related Migration Flows in Europe. International Migration Review, 56(1), 3362.


Bijak J, Vono de Vilhena D, Potančoková M, and the QuantMig Team (2023) White Paper on Migration Uncertainty: Towards Foresight and Preparedness. Population and Policy Discussion Paper, 19, Population Europe.

Potančoková M, Marois G and Bijak J (2023) High-Migration Events and Future Labour Force in Europe Population and Policy Brief, No. 39, Population Europe.

Bijak J and Barker E (2023) As Europe builds resilient labour markets, migration can help – but will not be enough. Population Europe Policy Insight.

Di Iasio V and Wahba J (2023) Navigating uncertainty: Understanding the impact of Brexit on EU migration to the UK. Centre for Population Change Policy Briefing, No. 71.

Di Iasio V and Wahba J (2023) Seeking asylum in Europe: Where do people go and why? Centre for Population Change Policy Briefing, No. 69.

Di Iasio V and Wahba J (2022) Asylum seekers’ choice of country is mostly driven by personal networks, not economy Population Europe Policy Insight.

Anger S, Bijak J, Bosch P, Czaika M, de Groot D, Miyar Busto M and Wahba J (2022) Attracting Skills and Talent to the EU. What should we focus on? Population and Policy Brief, No. 37. Population Europe.

Wahba J (2022) Can the EU Attract Skills and Talent? Population Europe Policy Insight.

Barker E, Bijak J, Di Iasio V and Wahba J (2022) Why Should We Care about Uncertainty in Migration Flows? Reasons and Challenges from an Economics Perspective. Population and Policy Brief, No. 35 Population Europe.

Bijak J (2021) Migration Uncertainty: Feature, not a Bug. Population Europe Policy Insight.

Bijak J, Fähnrich B, Leboeuf L and Vono de Vilhena D (2021) Strengthening evidence-informed policymaking on migration. Population and Policy Brief, No. 32. Population Europe.

Barker E and Bijak J (2021) Can One Migration Model Fit All? Population Europe Policy Insight.  

Vono de Vilhena D and Bijak J (2021) Uncertainty in Future Migration Flows: Where Does It Come From? Population and Policy Brief, No. 29. Population Europe.

Czaika M and Bijak J (2020) Five Facts Everybody Should Know Before Discussing Future Migration Trends. Population Europe Policy Insight   

Bijak J, Czaika M, ed. by D Vono de Vilhena (2020) How Can Europe Better Prepare for Future Migration Movements? Understanding and addressing the root causes of displacements. Population and Policy Brief, No. 26. Population Europe. 


Other Publications

Bijak J, Czaika M, Potančoková M, Vono de Vilhena D and the QuantMig Team (2024) New Perspectives for Migration Foresight and Preparedness: Insights from the QuantMig Project. Migration Policy Practice, Vol. XIII (1), 34–40

Wahba J and Di Iasio V (2023) Hotels and employment aren’t major ‘pull factors’ for refugees – here’s what really draws people to move. The Conversation, 25 August 2023.

Carling J (2021) What Makes People Want to Migrate? One Chart Sums It Up. The Startup, 3 February 2021.

Bijak J and Czaika M (2020) Black swans and grey rhinos: Migration policy under uncertainty. Migration Policy Practice, Vol. X (4), 14–20


This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870299 QuantMig: Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy. This document reflects the authors'view and the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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